Monday, April 11, 2016

Kitten Writing

Zzzz!!! I was in my bed sleeping when suddenly I hored(heard) something moving through the door. “I think that's just nathink (nothing)” I said to myself.
Aaaaaaaaaa!!! I'm having a nitemer(nightmare) Aaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaa!!!  Suddenly I houd(heard) the something agen(again) “it’s not nothing it’s something!!!” I said. It was like knocking knock knock. I standed up and opined(opened) the door it was brown and white and foure(fury).Meow meow meow!!! A kitten was on my bed.I went to my bed and watied for the morning. The kiten went to sleep.The kitin snuglled (snuggled) up and pered(purred) quitle(quietly)  In the morning I shod(showed) my mum we fed it but then we saw a sine(sign) it seid(said) missing  kitten so to  then we gave it back.